Alimony Spousal Maintenance Maple Grove, MN
Reasons for Modifications
Spousal maintenance or alimony can be changed depending on the situation of you and your former partner. For many reasons, amicable modifications are always best for both parties. It avoids going to court and suffering more ill will between the two parties and everyone involved. When it is not possible to reach a satisfying agreement, make sure to look over the initial agreement with your family law attorney to find what is stated and can be used to change your obligation. Here are some of the most common reasons for modifications.
Errors and Misconduct
Some modifications are put into motion to fix small errors such as calculating current and future wages. If one party misleads the court and participants to believe something other than the true situation, changes will be allowed.
Change in Living Situation
If you or your former partner change their living situation, such as living with a new partner or getting remarried, they or you will have a different income for the household. With increased income, there can be a spousal maintenance modification.
Cost of Living Changes
Changes in the cost of living will change your or your former partner’s needs. As costs change, you or your former partner will need more or less to properly take care of themselves while looking for new ways to make money.
Health and Disability Changes
If you or your former partner become ill or disabled with an inability to work, there will be a change in the conditions for spousal maintenance. It can be either temporary or permanent depending on the situation.
Court Changes or Emergencies
As court rulings are determined by new cases, one could affect your situation. While it is not common for court decisions to change in light of a new case, it could lead to a court order to change your situation. If you or your former partner needs to pay expenses for an emergency, such as a health crisis, spousal maintenance will be changed to compensate the loss of income.